Past Milestones

May 2016: “PGH Learn How to Fish” Pilot Program 2015/2016 Completed

In May 2016, 10 students from the SCD childrens home completed the PGHs first pilot program “Learn how to Fish”. Picture shows several of them holding their certificates.

The program funded a series of two courses for a group of teenage students from the SCD Childrens home, to support vocational education and future job placement. Part I was a 5 months cooking course at Linna’s Cooking School in Phnom Penh. Part II was a  7 months accounting and computer course, at the Vanda Institute, Phnom Penh.


November 7th, 2014 – OPENING OF RESTAURANT: SUPERFOOD BBQ, Phnom Penh


The restaurant concept is based on do-it-yourself barbeque. Simple Cambodian food such as fish, meat and vegetables are served raw. Each table has its own integrated char-coal grill. Customers then cook their own BBQ meal. Sides such as noodles and rice and a variety of sauces are available. Menus are communicated verbally based on Cambodian tradition. This restaurant is located at at a well frequented location close to the airport, where many shops and bars are, and which attracts many people. In this vicinity, the restaurant concept is unique. The restaurant has 20 tables and serves 70-80 customers at a time. Take-away food will also be offered. The cooking is done by SCD staff.


USD 20,000.— for building and equipment of restaurant
USD 12,000.— for first 6-months Learn-How-to-Fish Training Course


Profits will be dedicated to operating expenses for SCD Children`s home – currently providing home, schooling, food, medical care to 78 children.

Salaries and jobs will be provided to older SCD kids seeking training and jobs in the restaurant business after high-school.

The restaurant is also supposed to provide environment to gain business experience for SCD kids from 11th-12th grade onwards (starting 15-16 years of age). This experience will also provide the children an opportunity to interact with the public and contribute to their local community and participate in a life outside of the children`s home at SCD. Students participating in the Learn-how-to-Fish training course will obtain cooking and administrative training for 2 days per week, and work at restaurant for the remaining available time during the week on basis of paid internships. This will allow them to learn the restaurant business while experience the benefits of earning their own money.


April 24th, 2012 – Planting Mango Trees


April 24th, 2012 PGH is happy to report that 450 mango trees and 1000 banana trees are now being planted on the farmland of the SCD orphanage, in the province Kompong Speur, Cambodia. SCD’s agro-business will be able to benefit from the sale of this fruit; and SCD will provide its own fruit as part of the food needed at the orphanage. Thank you for helping us facilitate this effort through your donations.


July 2011 – Additional Farm Land Funded For SCD Farm


PGH was able to fund the purchase of 8 hectares of agricultural land in the Cambodian province Kompong Speur. Together with the 10 hectares already funded by SCD New York (Cormac Creed), SCD now owns 18 hectares of land for the growth of beans, soy, potatoes, other vegetables and fruit trees. A small farm house was built and a used tractor, funded by SCD New York, is used to work the land. During our last visit we visited the farm, walked the currently owned land, and could see the first potato crops already growing. Kompong Speur province is a beautiful rural part of Cambodia with clean air, and pristine tropical mountain chains surrounding vast stretches of rice fields. Together with the 6 hectares of farmland to grow rice in the Takeo province, SCD now owns 24 acres of farm land. It is anticipated that this land will feed the orphanage with its current 140 children, throughout the year.


September 15th, 2010 – Girls Dorm Donated


SCD Save the Children Cambodia for Development – in Phnom Penh, inaugurated the new dorm building for girls, which was donated by People for Global Humanity. 45 girls from very young to teen age, who come from destitute and impoverished backgrounds, have moved into the dorm which provides space for up to 60. PGH could further fund the fence around the orphanage property which increases security of the children, and the expansion of the dining hall building, where 138 kids receive three meals per day. Further more, school supplies were purchased for the year 2011. Our profound gratitude goes to the donors of PGH, to the founders and all other supporters of SCD, and to Chan Norn and his staff for providing a special place of stability, care and love for currently 138 children on a daily basis.